I have just
LOOOVEEEDD these first two weeks back!
I'm sure I wrote in another post that my year 8s are on a
Data & Statistics unit and rather than just working through exercises from the textbook, I've been getting students to create a
column graph by hand on grid paper, create them in
Excel and then
write a small paragraph describing their graph!
They have really loved going on the computer and the challenge of having a very strict time-line! We have 70 minute lessons, 10minute introduction/ review, 30 minute creating frequency tables and column graphs by hand, pack up and head to the library (where I book the laptops) and around 20 minutes to complete the graphs in Excel with correct axes labels and Headings! :) PPhhhewww!
Today we sung the Mean, Median and Mode Song (to Row Row Row your boat):
Mode, Mode, Modes the most
Average is the Mean,
Median, Median, Median, median,
The number in between.
My Year 8s even asked if they could perform it on assembly!! Yikess ;)
My Classroom! :) |
Other Classrooms |
The above photo are three
pictures of my classroom showing how I use the
empty space in my classroom to represent what we're currently focusing on at the moment.
I have a year 8 board on the left and year 9 on the right to assist those lower level students who need continual prompts and won't look in their book.
To the left is a picture of what other classrooms look like! I have to say I love mine and so do my kiddies :)
I hope you are all having a great week!