Sunday 25 November 2012

TpT Cyber Monday & Bonus Tuesday SALE - UpTO 28% Off

These last few weeks have been packed with assessment, marking & reporting! Report cards aren't due until  11th December (phhewwww) but we have two exams still (around 100 papers to mark) to be marked, profiled & reported on! 

I am however, very excited to say that I am participating in TpT's Cyber Monday & Bonus Tuesday SALE.

I'm offering 20% off store-wide which means you will be able to access 28% off my store Monday & Tuesday ONLY!

I hope to see you shopping over these days! :) Thank you for your support & encouragement as always!


  1. I nominated you for the Liebster Award! This is for blogs with less than 200 followers. It will help bloggers find and follow you. You can visit my blog to find out more about it.

    Teaching Snip-Its

  2. I nominated you for The Liebster Blog Award. Head over to my blog to find out more!


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