Monday 1 April 2013

ooOo April Currently :)

I always become so excited for the beginning of the month and its all because of Farly's over at Oh boy its 3rd Grade! :) Each month she has an awesome currently so go check her out if you haven't already.

I always forget about April fools because  quite often in Australia we're on school holidays at the time. 

Sooooo now to my currently..... 

Listening: Big Bang Theory is always on at 7pm until around 8:30pm in Australia so now The Block is over, I tend to have it on in the back ground :)

Loving: Being on school holidays! Today we went to my Mums and my husband and I put up a tension wire extension around her deck and increased her fence height because she has a gorgeous new greyhound called Tessa!

Thinking: I love gardening when it isn't too hot! I managed to get a sunburnt back on Sunday because I didn't realize it was that hot! :( Cannot wait until our corn and lettuce grow! Our passionfruit vine has flowers and baby passionfruit! VERY excited.

Wanting: More sleep! I know its holidays but I cannot help but stay up late and work on TpT items or school work for next term!

Needing: Plan ahead for next term! eeeiiiiikkkkkkkkkkk

Advice: Always be true to who you are no matter who puts you down or wants you to change yourself <3


  1. You are so lucky to get 2 weeks off! We only get 1 week off. I am jealous it is so warm where you are. We have possible snow flurries today :(
    Fun in ECSE

  2. I want to sleep in as well! I'm on the 2 weeks until spring break countdown as well :)

    I found you through currently--great blog!

  3. I want to sleep in as well! I'm on the 2 weeks until spring break countdown as well :)

    I found you through currently--great blog!

  4. Two weeks lucky girl! We only had Good Friday off. I can't wait for warmer weather and the gardening season to begin here. Enjoy your vacation!

    Love you blog design!

    Read with Me ABC

  5. I found you through the currently link up. I love the Big Bang Theory. I could watch it all day. Happy April!


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